
  • Jackie Moore

    Jackie Moore


Rank #456
Body 9
21 ratings / Rate it!
Personality 9.26
19 ratings / Rate it!
Performance 9.21
19 ratings / Rate it!


  • Average scenes rating: 8.73
  • 384 Favorites

Jackie Moore

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  • LordAnalSupreme :Fucking love this slut. One of my top ten for sure. She loves it hardcore and you can tell. My favorite scene of here is 7 The Hardway. She also does great in Gangland and 6 Black Sticks and One White Chick. Theres also another one i forget the title to where she wheres a strapon fucking a chick while she gets plowed in the ass by a dude. Really fucking hot.

    • August 24 at 9:11pm •